Forms & Documents
Recycled Water Ordinance-August 2017
Recycled Water use Permit Application
Do’s and Dont’s of Recycled Water Use
Emergency Cross-Connection Response Plan
Recycled Water Plan Check Application
Requirements for Commercial Irrigation Systems
Recycled Water Rules and Regulations
Recycled Water/ Backflow Menu:
The District reports to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on recycled water use within its boundaries. The Regional Water Quality Control Board and California Department of Public Health have strict procedures to ensure the reliability of the treatment processes and the controlled use of recycled water.
The District has developed the “Rules and Regulations Governing Recycled Water Service” to establish standard procedures, specifications, and limitations for the safe and orderly development and operation of recycled water facilities and systems within the District’s jurisdictional area. The Rules and Regulations cover the administrative, design, construction and operational requirements for obtaining recycled water service and the use of recycled water at on-site facilities and aspects of the relationship between customers and the District. To view our Rules and Regulations Governing Recycled Water Service, click here.
If you are an existing recycled water customer and plan to make modifications to your potable or recycled water systems, please contact the District at (562) 697-1726 or Alex Zaragoza at (562) 383-2350 prior to construction to ensure compliance and to prevent any cross-connections.