Pursuant to the requirements of California Health and Safety Code 116470(b), every three years RWD must prepare a report comparing the District’s drinking water quality with public health goals adopted by California EPA’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and/or with maximum contaminant level goals adopted by the USEPA. The report includes a numerical public health risk, the category or type of risk, best available treatment technology, and cost estimates associated with constituents detected above a public health goal or maximum contaminant level goal. The purpose is to provide consumers with information on levels of water quality constituents below enforceable, mandatory maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Public health goals and maximum contaminant level goals are non-enforceable and are based solely on public health considerations.
The District is committed to providing safe drinking water and continually seeks to maintain a high-level of public confidence within the community by keeping customers well-informed regarding water quality, water supply and conservation issues.
Rowland Water District Public Health Goals Report |
PDF for View/Download |
2019-2021 Public Health Goals Report |