In accordance with the State’s Executive Order N-7-22 and direction by the State Water Resources Control Board requiring water districts to implement a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage, the Rowland Water District Board of Directors declared a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage effective June 14, 2022.
This action calls for a 20% reduction in water use by Rowland Water District customers, implementation of drought rates for potable water commodity charges and the following restrictions on the use of water:
- Limits on Watering Days: Watering or irrigation of lawn, landscape, or other vegetated area with potable water by use of a sprinkler or soaker hose is limited to two days per week (Monday & Friday) and no watering between the hours 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Irrigation by hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing shut-off nozzle, drip irrigation type irrigation systems when no emitter produces more than two (2) gallons per hour or hand-held bucket, or similar container is permitted at other times.
- Obligation to Fix Leaks, Breaks or Malfunctions: All leaks, breaks and malfunctions in the customer’s plumbing must be repaired within Forty-eight (48) hours of discovery. Failure to repair a leak or break within 48 hours of notification by Rowland will constitute a violation.
- Limits on Filling Ornamental Lakes or Ponds: Filling or re-filling of ornamental lakes or ponds is prohibited, except to the extent needed to sustain existing aquatic life.
- Limits on Washing of Vehicles: Using water to wash motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and other types of mobile equipment is prohibited except by use with a bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off nozzle or device.
- Limits on Filling Residential Swimming Pools & Spas: Emptying or refilling swimming pools, spas and ponds for cleaning purposes is prohibited. Water levels may be maintained.
While Rowland Water District customers have made significant progress toward conservation goals, we encourage everyone to find opportunities for additional water reductions. Please remember that the following wasteful practices are permanently banned statewide:
• Hosing of paved surfaces such as driveways, sidewalks, and asphalt
• Use of hoses without a shutoff nozzle
• Fountains and water features without recirculating water systems
• Sprinkler overspray, runoff, or excessive irrigation
• Watering within 48 hours of a rain event
• Watering turf on street medians
By using water efficiently, you can play a significant role in ensuring a safe and reliable water supply for our community.
For more information about water conservation, contact us at 562-697-1726.
Please visit the following link for further details about drought conditions and regulations:
Resolution No. 6.1-2022-Level 2 Water Supply Shortage
To view all of the District’s Rates & Fees, click here
Drought monitor and current conditions
2020 Water Shortage Contingency Plan
Ordinance No. 7-2018 – Establishing a Water Conservation & Water Shortage Contingency Plan
Ordinance No. 2-2022 – Establishing a Water Conservation & Water Supply Shortage Restrictions